Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hello.  My name is Ana M Torres the author of this first novel by the name of Love Child.  It was published under A.M Torres actually by Outskirts Press.  It is the story of Tommy Hulette a love child who is made to pay for things he didn't do (mainly being born)  He gets it bad from every direction so he tries to protect his sister even as he's isolated in so many ways by every adult he's come in contact with.  Tommy is strong, and doesn't give up though.  The question is just how much can he take?  And for how long?

All my readers are welcomed to look at my blog and to leave any comments they want.  It can be on the story itself, it can be a question, it can be well anything.  I appreciate my readers and hope it continues to build.  Love Child's sequel will be ready very soon so read Love Child so you'll know what's going on once that sequel comes out.  The book is available on Amazon and it's on Amazon kindle for only $2.99.  I look forward to seeing you all here.