Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hello everyone.  Check out my six questions on Laura Howards's blog.  I want to thank her for the opportunity. http://www.goodreads.com/author_blog_posts/4104540-six-questions-with-a-m-torre

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Confused that's how I feel

As nothing now feels real,
The children that have died
While parents say good bye.
Our world in such a mess
For no one knows what's best,
But let's not go and hate
Or waste time on debates.
Sitting down to think
With barely time to blink,
With no way we can know
These tears fall down so slow.
Confused but we move on
Despite all those now gone,
But we must stand up strong
Though violence may prolong.
A.M Torres

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

Hello readers

I have written my first author newsletter called A.M Torres Author.  I copied and pasted it.  Please tell me what you think.

This is my first time writing one of these so please bear with me. Bear with the look as well, for this is the first newsletter I have put out, and I hope you all enjoy it. This is exciting and I have many plans for future issues, and here’s hoping it goes well.
First of all let me thank all those who have read my first novel Love Child. Love Child was released on April 14, 2011. It was my first effort, and one I admit is self-published through Outskirts Press. In fact this month will be the second year anniversary of its release.
I will explore the question of self-publishing in a future issue, but right now I just want to thank you for reading it, and though it has not reached any best seller level yet, I am still working on my dream of becoming that mainstream author.
But I am so grateful for the fans I have right now. You are all wonderful and have kept me focused which means so much, and more than I say.
Child No More will be the sequel to Love Child, and I have been working tirelessly on its completion. It is almost finished, and I look forward to its release which will be very soon. I will keep you all posted. Thank you all for being so patient.
I also have the kindle version of J and K Christmas which I posted on Amazon kindle right after Christmas. It is only $1.99 so please check it out, and please show- it to anyone who loves Christmas poetry.
So right now I am working on a few other things besides Child No More. This includes the new J and K book only this one will have more holiday stories added including Halloween, and Thanksgiving so it will be renamed J and K Holiday 2013.
Thank You
I want to take this time to thank each and every one of you for your readership and support. It means so much to me. I hope you enjoy reading this, and I appreciate your feedback, suggestions, and anything that can make this newsletter more entertaining.
Facebook, Twitter
Of course I can’t leave without letting you know about my online pages. But yes Love Child has a Facebook page. You can join that page by clicking on this link https://www.facebook.com/pages/Love-Child/202294303122421. I also have my author page A.M Torres and here is the link for that page. https://www.facebook.com/pages/AM-
Torres/168878506580589?fref=ts I also have my Twitter account and this is the link. https://twitter.com/sonic1170. Once again thank you all.
I have written my share of poems for the past year on my group A.M Torres Writings on Facebook. I am planning to put my poems together in book form, but you can join the group, and check them out. Here is the last one I wrote.
To run and hide it's all I want to do Can't take no more with all this crying too, No one cares it's what I always feel Hurting so much I wish I wasn't real. Run and hide somewhere far way don’t want no place where I'd be forced to stay Just need to find peace somewhere deep inside but I never do no matter how I try. To run and hide from just everything Find a place where I can somehow sing, I just want out don't care where I go No one would care for this I always know. A.M Torres
Love Child is getting a Wix site finally. I started one a few months ago, but I was lost with it I admit. I put it aside and never got back to it until now. It should be ready this week or next week the latest. I will keep you all informed, but more than anything I hope you all find it to your liking. It’s taken a lot of work, but I’ve actually had some fun with it so I hope you all enjoy it, and I look forward to all your feedback on it as
well. Feedback can be left on my Love Child or A.M Torres pages or my groups too. If you want to email me you can at Christmas1102@gmail.com. I love your feedback, and I love hearing from you.
Virtual Book Tour/Book Signing
I am in the process of beginning my first virtual book tour regarding Love Child. I am still learning all about this process as I’m handling it myself right now. But it basically covers visits to blogs, and social sites at least for those I am able to arrange so hopefully I’ll get to meet many of you which is something I look forward too. We can have Q & A sessions, and I can give brief interviews, and many other things. It will be fun, and I look forward to it.
I am also still working on my first book signing. I have been talking to different book stores, but don’t have anything scheduled yet. I really look forward to this too, and can’t wait to meet you should I tour your hometown.
A.M Torres Interview
Finally, I want to share an interview I gave at The Bridge of Deaths tumbler blog site thanks to my fellow author M.C.V Egan who is the author of the mentioned The Bridge of Deaths. (She is also
Your Book(s) without giving away too many spoilers and what inspired you to write it?
Love Child is the story of Tommy Halite indeed the Love Child of this novel. Tommy’s life begins normal enough with a mother, father, and a beloved sister he’s very close too. They are very poor, but they are a family until events change Tommy’s life forever, and he and his sister are sent to live in a nice big house with Tommy’s half-brother, a brother he never knew existed. A brother who hates him. Things become rough as Tommy has to deal with this sudden hate along with many sudden changes even as he tries to care for his sister while trying to keep her safe in the strange environment his brother creates for them. It is a story of isolation, two children who find themselves this way from all the changes forced on them not to mention all the neglect.
2) Which character do you like the most? Why? Stephanie Mandan is my favorite character. Stephanie is strong and doesn’t look down on anyone regardless of their background. She is often blunt about her feelings in a nice way, and never forgets Tommy even when they are separated. She writes to him and never gives up on him.
3) Is there a historical angle you can share with us? Love Child is based in the 1970’s, and there is a reference to the woman’s movement and the discrimination women faced in the work force during that time. There are also a few references to the fiscal crisis the city of New York faced during this time as well. The story itself is based in New York so I referred to the New York of that time.
4) Are there any new authors that currently interest you? And which is your favorite author of all time? I am interested in reading the two books by Trent Ruble “Gunar Hamilton: Vigilante on the lam, and Harris Davis: Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.”” I am working on reading M.C.V Egan Bridge of Deaths” which sounds very interesting. I love the old classic authors like S.E Hinton who wrote “The Outsiders,” and I enjoy Stephen King, Michael Connelly, and Patricia Cornwell. My favorite author of all time is V.C Andrews especially her original works like Flowers in the attic and Petals on the wind. I knew I wanted to write after I read those two novels. I knew I wanted to write after I read those two novels.
5) Do you have any little ‘things’ you do or traditions you follow when you write? For some reason I seem to write better at night while everyone is asleep. I don’t really have a time set to write I just do when the urge hits. However it is at night where my creative juices always get flowing for I seem to fully come awake then. Guess I’m a night owl and I have been for years, so it has helped my writing.
6) Do you have a dedicated space, a particular office or piece of machinery? I use the same laptop I received as a gift during Christmas 2011 to do all my writing on now. I sit in the living room on the small black card table which has become my office space. It is here I keep my pens, notebooks, and anything writing related. But I can write anywhere I’m comfortable.
7) Do you ever write longhand? Do you ever use a tape-recorder? When I began to write Love child a few years ago it was by longhand. But now I type my stories. However, I write notes and ideas every chance I get since I keep many writing notebooks. I have never used a tape recorder.
8) What do you love most about writing?
I am constantly surprised at how sudden and quickly things can change as I write the story. I can begin a paragraph pretty certain how it’s going to go or at least have an idea, and then something unexpected can occur so I’m suddenly changing it completely. This always amazes me for it really feels then like if the characters are really alive in my head, and are the ones guiding me to place them where they want to go. I find this to be one really fun part about writing.
9) How did you get interested in writing this particular genre?
I am a big fan of fiction and suspense writing so naturally I wanted to write this genre first. I love reading books that keep me wondering what’s going to happen next. I love reading books that I find hard to put down like “Flowers in the attic by V.C Andrews” for example. That book kept me hooked, and I grabbed it every chance I had just to get to the end and see how it finished. I wanted to write something like that so I wrote Love Child following a similar pattern hoping it’ll hook readers in a similar way.
10) What kind of research did you do for this book?
Most of the research I did was based in the 1970’s since Love Child was based during this time. It was basic research on things like what TV shows were popular at the time, the financial state of the city, and important social concerns like the women’s movement.
11) What are you working on now?
I am working on the editing of Child No More which will be the sequel to Love Child. I submitted J and K Christmas a compilation of Christmas poems and short stories for Amazon Kindle back in December so it’s currently available for $1.99. I am also working on a poetry book, and have some ideas for future novels.
12) What advice would you give aspiring writers?
Never doubt yourself or your talent. Make time to write and take the time to write every day or as much as you can. Set a goal of how much to write on a daily basis. Pace yourself. Read as much as you can for there are many styles of writing and this way you can see which ones are preferred by readers everywhere. More than anything be patient. Writing takes time, but don’t give up.
13) Anything else you wish to share….
I am a writer contributor at Yahoo Voices where I have written a few short stories and opinion columns. I love writing poetry as well and as I mentioned, I am working on getting some published.
I enjoyed giving this interview and hope I can give many more in the future especially on television  Well I haven’t stopped dreaming and
hoping. Please let me know what you thought of the interview. As always I appreciate your input. I also want to thank M.C.V Egan for providing me the opportunity for it, and do check out her book Bridge of Deaths. I plan to read it very soon for it does sound very interesting. Check it out here at http://www.amazon.com/The-Bridge-of-Deaths-ebook/dp/B00AJIHB1E/ref=tmm_kin_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1364749504&sr=8-1
For the second anniversary of the release of Love Child I am hosting an online party which will be filled with questions and answers, discussions, and other things too. It’s another fun thing I’m planning for I want to keep interacting with my fans, family, and friends. I love you guys, and I hope to hear from you.
I wish you all a safe and happy Easter on this Easter Sunday. Be safe, and take good care of yourselves. Remember Love Child is still available here on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Love-Child-ebook/dp/B006328KM4/ref=sr_1_1_bnp_1_kin?ie=UTF8&qid=1364756974&sr=8-1&keywords=love+child+a.m+torres
J and K Christmas is still available as well only on kindle for $1.99.
Read this review left on Amazon for J and K Christmas:
February 12, 2013
By Matt
I loved all the poems and stories! So Christmassy and the story will have you wondering what's coming next. So happy to have it! –Matt
And here is a review for Love Child also left on Amazon:
Once I started reading this book, I couldn't put it down. I was drawn into the life of the main character rooting for him and his sister. Such horrible things they faced! Yet Tommy (the main character) kept such an amazing optimistic attitude. At some points I thought it couldn't get any worse, and it would. The ending left some hope, but also left you longing for the next book to come out to see what happens next!
Well that’s all for now
God bless you,
A.M Torres

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A valentine short story written by A.M Torres


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hello.  My name is Ana M Torres the author of this first novel by the name of Love Child.  It was published under A.M Torres actually by Outskirts Press.  It is the story of Tommy Hulette a love child who is made to pay for things he didn't do (mainly being born)  He gets it bad from every direction so he tries to protect his sister even as he's isolated in so many ways by every adult he's come in contact with.  Tommy is strong, and doesn't give up though.  The question is just how much can he take?  And for how long?

All my readers are welcomed to look at my blog and to leave any comments they want.  It can be on the story itself, it can be a question, it can be well anything.  I appreciate my readers and hope it continues to build.  Love Child's sequel will be ready very soon so read Love Child so you'll know what's going on once that sequel comes out.  The book is available on Amazon and it's on Amazon kindle for only $2.99.  I look forward to seeing you all here.